
linked to our DNA

Sustainability is one of the core values that define COMSAN. It has been part of our DNA for more than six decades.

Sustainable raw materials

Green packaging

100% recyclable product

Sustainable production

60% of our material is obtained from plant and organic sources.

This allows us to promote efficient management of the natural resources used at COMSAN to manufacture our products, reducing dependence on renewable resources and minimising our carbon footprint.

The provenance of the materials we use in the manufacture of seats is what guarantees their durability over time. By creating long-lasting products, we contribute to extending their life cycle and reducing waste and overexploitation of resources.

Sustainable actions

We have ambitious goals. A focus on innovative, organic and recycled raw materials plays a key role in our ongoing industrial transformation, enabling us to reduce emissions and make cleaner and more efficient use of our water and energy resources.

Planted trees

Emission reductions of

kg CO2 / year

Environmentally friendly

We ensure that our impact is environmentally friendly, which is why our packaging eliminates single-use plastic and replaces it with cardboard and recycled plastic, as well as having solar panels in our production centres.

Reducing high-level energy use

We use energy efficiency management software (Energy Management Software – EMS) to monitor our energy consumption in order to reduce energy use at a high level.

Commitment towards a circular economy

At COMSAN we are committed to following the path towards a circular economy, which is why we abide by the “three Rs”:




We work with the aim of incorporating the principles of circular economy in all our processes, products and services. We manufacture our Versagrit®  material from surplus organic components, vegetable and organic sources and reusing 100% of the surplus generated in the production process of our seats.

We promote sustainability and carbon footprint reduction through local manufacturing and collaboration with local suppliers, as well as vertical integration of all our processes, from the production of raw materials and components to the final product.

Sustainable production process

We use materials of natural origin: wood flours, hazelnut shells, and resin.

We crush and reprocess the scrap material and products that do not meet quality standards to manufacture new Versagrit.

We only use recycled material for packaging.

1. We use materials of natural origin: wood flours, hazelnut shells, and resin.

2. We crush and reprocess the scrap material and products that do not meet quality standards to manufacture new Versagrit.

3. We only use recycled material for packaging.

Our commitment
towards the environment

100% recyclable product


Long-lasting products


Sustainable raw

Sustainable Development Goals

Respect for the environment and the objective of promoting responsible social development are
behind all our actions and commitments.

We are committed to implementing the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). In total, the
company’s activity has a direct impact on eight of the goals set by the UN:

CBS Personas was born as a project that encompasses all actions to care for and protect all workers during the performance of their activities within the company.

We have an Equality Plan with the aim of offering a transparent, responsible and committed image of equal opportunities.

We have installed solar panels at our production sites and have an EMS to minimise high energy consumption.

One of our most valuable assets is our employees, which is why we always make sure that their working conditions are optimal for them to carry out their duties in the best possible circumstances.

We understand innovation and industry development as part of the pillars that represent us as a company.

For more than 60 years we have been manufacturing toilet seats with 60% of the material coming from vegetable, organic and recycled sources.

We have developed several projects to minimise the impact of our activities on the environment. From the installation of solar panels to reducing the use of plastic in packaging, among others.

At COMSAN we have certified our Versagrit® material with the PEFC: Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification.